18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Producing a complete Linux system with a single command (and configuration file) with Yocto

18 Sept 2024, 17:55
"Hall N2" (Austria Center)

"Hall N2"

Austria Center

Build System MC Build System MC


Alexander Kanavin (Linutronix / Yocto)


The Yocto project is a toolkit for creating custom Linux distributions for the embedded use cases. Historically it has not provided tools and standards for setting up and replicating build configurations in a reproducible manner, leaving that to third party projects and custom scripts. In the past few months this has been changing, and many of the pieces are now available out of the box in oe-core/poky, or are under review. This talk will give an overview of what is available and how it can be used to both write a record of how to build a complete system, and to replicate that build elsewhere with that record. It will also cover parts that still need to be added, and possible future directions for build configuration management.

Primary author

Alexander Kanavin (Linutronix / Yocto)

Presentation materials

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