18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

The Search for an AOSP Developer Community

20 Sept 2024, 10:40
"Hall L1" (Austria Center)

"Hall L1"

Austria Center

Android MC Android MC


Mr Chris Simmonds


AOSP is used in many different types of device, not just smart phones and tablets, but also digital advertising, white boards, building entry systems, and more. Consequently, there are a large number of AOSP developers, but where are they? It's like
the Fermi Paradox, but for software engineers. Contrast this with the community around, for example, the Yocto Project, which is active and vibrant

I would like to promote a discussion about what it would take to change this and create a community for AOSP devs. A community that is self sustaining and caters for all the players. Open source should lead to open development

Benefits: better understanding of problems and solutions; more productive developers; better quality AOSP products

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