18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Android Generic Boot Loader

20 Sept 2024, 11:00
"Hall L1" (Austria Center)

"Hall L1"

Austria Center

Android MC Android MC


Mr Dmitrii Merkurev (Google)Mr Ram Muthiah (Google)


Context I'm going to provide:

  1. Android bootflow (current situation, problems, focus on bootloaders fragmentation which leads to upstream features adoption delays)
  2. Overview of the boot standards (UEFI, Coreboot, etc)
  3. GBL proposal (revealing early specs, focus on OEM requirements/customizations)
  4. How to try GBL with Cuttlefish

Potential discussion points:

  1. Updatability (A/B integration, bootloader still needs to have a slot choosing logic, asking for ideas)
  2. Multithreading and UEFI (sharing our thoughts on parallel boot in UEFI, asking community for ideas)
  3. Fastboot and network (some bootloaders may have a very limited network stack so it may be beneficial to bring network stack with GBL, sharing our thoughts on this, asking community for the feedback/ideas).
  4. GBL and UI (the idea of bringing some UI related logic with GBL is controversial, sharing out thoughts, looking for OEMs/community feedback)

Primary author

Mr Dmitrii Merkurev (Google)


Mr Ram Muthiah (Google)

Presentation materials