18–20 Sept 2024
Europe/Vienna timezone

Android MC

Not scheduled
LPC Microconference Proposals


Amit Pundir Fuad Tabba (Google) John Stultz (Google) Karim Yaghmour (Opersys inc.) Lukasz Luba Sumit Semwal (Linaro)


CFP closes on July 5th.
The Android Micro Conference brings the upstream community and Android systems developers together to discuss issues and changes to the Android platform and their dependencies and interactions with the Linux kernel, allowing for collaboration on solutions for upstream.

Some highlights of progress made since last year’s MC:

  • For fw_devlink, got post-init-providers accepted into DT schema, as proposed and discussed at LPC. Additionally, as proposed at LPC, fw_devlink=rpm was made the default, so fw_devlink now enforces runtime PM ordering too.

  • After discussions last year on board-id property being used to pick a DTB by the bootloader, patches for a shared solution were submitted upstream.

  • Initial Pixel6 support has landed upstream, such that it can boot to console with 6.9-rc kernels.
  • Having the chance to connect with the right glibc people facilitating a consensus between the bionic folks and the clang driver/lld ELF owners on an approach to mitigate the VMA (Virtual Memory Area) slab memory increase caused by the dynamic linker in devices supporting larger than 4KB page sizes.
  • Discussion with the BPF ring buffer maintainer led to the event driven memory notifications from the kernel for low memory killer daemon (lmkd).

Also, listening to feedback from last year, we are planning to have slightly longer slots, so talks are not so rushed, but that also means we will have to be even more selective with topics.

Potential discussion topics for this year include:

  • Device Longevity
  • Power usage modeling and simulations
  • Unified bootloader efforts
  • The Power of Perfetto
  • Using & tuning with the (soon to be) upstream Dynamic Energy Model
  • Android Storage features: ublk, ureadhead, FUSE-BPF
  • AVF updates&plans / pVM firmware
  • More discussion on 16k pages
  • RISCV updates

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