Nov 13 – 15, 2023
America/New_York timezone

Challenges in Device Tree Sync - kernel, Zephyr, U-boot, System DT

Nov 15, 2023, 5:05 PM
"James River Salon A" (Omni Richmond Hotel)

"James River Salon A"

Omni Richmond Hotel

Internet of Things MC Internet of Thing5 MC


Nishanth Menon (Texas Instruments, Inc)


The description of hardware through Device Tree, which includes Firmware in some instances, has become an increasingly common practice in many software ecosystems. However, despite various efforts, the device tree description of hardware has yet to be standardized across different software ecosystems, creating challenges for users, automated tools, and ecosystems.

The objective of this session is to:
a) Share experiences of device tree challenges seen with U-Boot, Zephyr, and kernel in the recent attempts for support of Texas Instrument's AM625, TDA4VM platforms
b) Rationale and challenges created by the diverse approaches
c) Propose a hybrid approach toward the Zephyr device tree support for TI platforms

Primary author

Nishanth Menon (Texas Instruments, Inc)

Presentation materials

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