13–15 Nov 2023
America/New_York timezone

Secure TSC for AMD SEV-SNP guests

14 Nov 2023, 17:40
"Potomac G" (Omni Richmond Hotel)

"Potomac G"

Omni Richmond Hotel

Confidential Computing MC Confidential Computing MC


Nikunj Dadhania


TSC value calculations for guests are controlled by the hypervisor. A malicious hypervisor can prevent guests from moving forward. The Secure TSC feature for SEV-SNP allows guests to securely use RDTSC and RDTSCP instructions. This ensures the guest gets a consistent view of time and can prevent a malicious hypervisor from making it appear that time rolls backwards, increments at a ridiculously fast rate, or similar tricks. In this talk we will discuss the Secure TSC changes needed to support hypervisor/guest and current upstreaming status.

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