13–15 Nov 2023
America/New_York timezone

Emulating NT synchronization primitives in Wine

13 Nov 2023, 14:30
"James River Salon D" (Omni Richmond Hotel)

"James River Salon D"

Omni Richmond Hotel

LPC Refereed Track LPC Refereed Track


Zeb Figura (CodeWeavers, Inc)


In order to emulate Windows NT kernel synchronization primitives, Wine currently uses a single server process, which fields operations on those primitives via RPC from client processes.

This has historically worked well, but has turned out to be a severe performance bottleneck in heavily multithreaded applications such as modern games.

In this talk, I propose to emulate the complexity of NT synchronization primitives in a kernel driver, which according to proof-of-concept tests can improve performance up to twice the speed of current Wine.

Proof-of-concept trees are available here:



Primary author

Zeb Figura (CodeWeavers, Inc)

Presentation materials