13–15 Nov 2023
America/New_York timezone

Simplified Android Kernel Driver Development with DDK v2

13 Nov 2023, 14:50
"James River Salon A" (Omni Richmond Hotel)

"James River Salon A"

Omni Richmond Hotel

Android MC Android MC


Matthias Männich (Google)Mr Yifan Hong (Google)


The Driver Development Kit (DDK) for Android Kernels allows for a reliable way to develop drivers against the Generic Kernel Image (GKI). While doing so, the DDK takes care of toolchain selection, hermeticity of the build and hence paves the way for compliant kernel modules. Further, DDK facilitates module development with clearly expressed dependencies between modules and a fast incremental build. Under the hood it uses Kbuild as authoritative build system.

With DDKv2 we go one step further. By reducing the boilerplate to create modules, we enable not only GKI compliant modules with a lower entry bar, but also encourage upstream friendly module development to reduce the effort for upstreaming modules.
At the same time we provide mechanisms to build modules against multiple versions of GKI in order to keep up-to-date with the latest available LTS and mainline.

In this session we want to gauge for how well those features are perceived for practical kernel module development.

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Presentation materials