Sep 12 – 14, 2022
Europe/Dublin timezone

DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea Chat

Sep 14, 2022, 5:00 PM
1h 30m
"Meeting 9" (Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road)

"Meeting 9"

Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road

Birds of a Feather (BoF) BOFs Session 2


SeongJae Park


The third instance of DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea Chat[1], which is the open, regular, and informal bi-weekly meeting series for DAMON community, will conflict with LPC'22. Let's use this BOF session as a place for doing the community meeting in person. That is, we will discuss any topics about DAMON including but not limited to:

  • Introduction of each other (who they are, what kind of interest/expectation they have for DAMON),
  • Sharing each person or company's current progress and bottlenecks on their DAMON development/application works,
  • Discussions on possible collaborations on DAMON-related works (both on kernel space and user space),
  • Discussions on direction and prioritization of DAMON's future,
  • Just show each other's face and saying hi, and
  • Anything.

Also, this session will have followup QnA and discussions for the kernel summit DAMON talk[2].


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Primary author

SeongJae Park

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