Sep 12 – 14, 2022
Europe/Dublin timezone

Lamenting on Secure Boot, module signatures and shims

Not scheduled
"Ulster & Munster" (Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road)

"Ulster & Munster"

Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road

System Boot and Security MC System Boot and Security MC


Morten Linderud (Independent)


Secure boot intend to be a way for OEMs to ensure only trusted software is capable of booting on the machines. For Linux distributions this is mostly being done by utilizing a pre-bootloader shim which is signed by a UEFI Certificate Authority, and unique for each individual Linux distribution.

One of the promises of Secure Boot was the intention of having users be able to regain control of the platform, and selectively enroll keys they would like to trust. Recently this has become problematic as module signatures are locked behind the shim, removing some certificates from the chain can prevent machines from booting and we are seeing a push away from OEMs trusting the CA at all.

This talk will give an introduction of Secure Boot is used by Linux distros and how we got here.

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Morten Linderud (Independent)

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