12–14 Sept 2022
Europe/Dublin timezone

Remote Attestation of IoT devices using a discrete TPM 2.0

12 Sept 2022, 12:20
"Ulster & Munster" (Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road)

"Ulster & Munster"

Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road

System Boot and Security MC System Boot and Security MC


Mr Dimitar Tomov (TPM.dev)Mr Svetlozar Kalchev (EnactTrust)


There are billions of networked IoT devices and most of them are vulnerable to remote attacks. We are developing a remote attestation solution for IoT devices based on Arm called EnactTrust. The project started with PoC for a car manufacturer in 2021.

Today, we have an open-source agent at GitHub[1] that performs attestation. The EnactTrust agent leverages a discrete TPM 2.0 module and has some unique IoT features like attestation of the TPM’s GPIO for safety-critical embedded systems.

Currently, we are working on integrating our open-source agent with Arm’s open-source Trusted Firmware implementation. We are targeting both TF-A and TF-M.

Our goal is to demonstrate bootloader attestation using EnactTrust. Bootloader candidates are TrenchBoot, Tboot, and U-Boot. Especially interesting is the case of U-Boot since it does not have the same level of security capabilities as TrenchBoot and Tboot.

EnactTrust consists of an agent application (running on the device) and a connection to a private or public cloud[2]. We believe that the security of ARM-based IoT devices can be greatly improved using attestation.

[1] https://github.com/EnactTrust/enact
[2] https://a3s.enacttrust.com

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Primary authors

Mr Dimitar Tomov (TPM.dev) Mr Svetlozar Kalchev (EnactTrust)

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