Sep 12 – 14, 2022
Europe/Dublin timezone

Rust for Linux: Status Update

Sep 12, 2022, 4:00 PM
"Herbert" (Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road)


Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road

Rust MC Rust MC


Miguel Ojeda Wedson Almeida Filho


Rust is a systems programming language with desirable properties in the context of the Linux kernel, such as no undefined behavior in its safe subset (when unsafe code is sound), including memory safety and the absence of data races.

Rust for Linux is a project that aims to bring Rust support to the Linux kernel as a first-class language. This means providing support for writing kernel modules in Rust, such as drivers or filesystems, with as little unsafe code as possible (potentially none). That is, it prevents misusing kernel APIs with respect to memory-safety.

This session will give an status update on the project:

  • What features are currently supported.
  • Infrastructure improvements.
  • Rust unstable (nightly) features status.
  • Rust ecosystem news: language, toolchains, etc.
  • Planned features and future.
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Primary authors

Miguel Ojeda Wedson Almeida Filho

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