CXL is an exciting new technology for many reasons. Between promised latency improvements to new device models with CXL.mem and CXL.cache, it has the potential to push peripheral devices into very new territory. However, what is in the specs versus what reality is have been two very different things.
We'd like to generate discussion around hotplug support. The first generation of CXL hitting the market should be CXL 1.1, but 2.0 is where hotplug "officially" arrives. With no useful hotplug support, this can break many vendors' use of updating FPGA-based devices in the field if switching to CXL.
Given the perceived interest in the CXL Consortium meetings around the reality of hotplug support versus what is in the spec, we felt this could be a useful discussion topic for Linux kernel solutions to fill in the 1.1 -> 2.0 gap.
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