The linux GPIO subsystem exposes a character device to the user-space that provides a certain level of control over GPIO lines. A companion C library (along with command-line tools and language bindings) is provided for easier access to the kernel interface. The character device interface has been rebuilt last year with a number of new ioctl()s and data structures that improve the user experience based on feedback and feature requests that we received since the first release in 2016. Now libgpiod has been entirely rewritten to leverage the new kernel features and fix issues present in the previous API. The new interface breaks compatibility and requires a different programmatic approach but we believe it is a big improvement over v1. The goal of this talk is to present the new version of the library, reworked command-line tools and high-level language bindings. We will go over the software concepts used in the new architecture and describe new features that provide both a more fine-grained control over GPIOs as well as expose more detailed information about interrupts.
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