Sep 12 – 14, 2022
Europe/Dublin timezone

rtla osnoise: what is missing?

Sep 13, 2022, 12:55 PM
"Ulster & Munster" (Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road)

"Ulster & Munster"

Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road

CPU Isolation MC CPU Isolation MC


Daniel Bristot de Oliveira (Red Hat, Inc.)


The osnoise tracers enable the simulation of common HPC workload while tracing all the external sources of noise in an optimized way. This was discussed two years ago. The rtla osnoise adds an easy-to-use interface for osnoise, enabling the tracer to the masses. rtla was discussed last year. These tools now are available and in use by members of this community in their daily activities.

But that is just the minimum implementation, and there is lots of work to do. For example:

  • The addition of other types of workload - not only reading time
  • Include information about processor power usage
  • Usage of other types of the clock source
  • Inclusion of features to identify the source of IPIs

And so on.

In this discussion, the community is invited to share ideas, propose features and prioritize the TODO list.

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Daniel Bristot de Oliveira (Red Hat, Inc.)

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