Sep 12 – 14, 2022
Europe/Dublin timezone

Combining DTPM with the thermal control framework

Sep 14, 2022, 3:50 PM
"Pembroke" (Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road)


Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road

Power Management and Thermal Control MC Power Management and Thermal Control MC


Daniel Lezcano (Linaro)


The DTPM framework and the thermal control framework are using the same algorithm and mechanism when the power numbers are involved. That results in duplicated code.
The DTPM framework interacts with the user space but nothing prevent to provide an in-kernel API where the power based cooling devices can directly act on. That will result in a simpler code and very explicit power value usage. In addition, if the SCMI is supported by DTPM, no changes will be needed in the thermal cooling devices. The result will be one generic power based cooling device supporting any device (devfreq, cpufreq, ...) with an energy model (DT or SCMI based).

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Primary author

Daniel Lezcano (Linaro)

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