Kernel Dependability and Assurance MC
- Gabriele Paoloni
- Shuah Khan (The Linux Foundation)
The Kernel Dependability and Assurance Microconference focuses on infrastructure to be able to assure software quality and that the Linux kernel is dependable in applications that require predictability and trust.
Introduction to the track and welcome speakers and audience.
Redundancy and diversity are a well recognized way to detect and control SW systematic failure. Runtime Verification Monitors provide a diverse redundancy mechanisms for critical components in the Kernel
This session will give an overview of Kernel CI and CKI projects, how to obtain code coverage figures, what are the current gaps and possible improvements in view of coverage and traceability requirements to be met in functional safety systems
I'm the author of GCC's static analysis pass, -fanalyzer. I've been experimenting with extending it to add kernel-specific diagnostics: detecting infoleaks and unsanitized syscalls at compile-time. I'd like to discuss these and other ideas for improving the test coverage of our kernel builds.
Security and safety engineering, as well as quality management, share a common goal: Avoiding or eliminating bugs and complete bug classes in software. Hence, these fields of engineering may share methods, tools, well-known best practices, and development efforts during the software development. However, these fields of engineering also have
different (partly competing) goals and priorities....
Freedom From Interference (FFI) is a key claim that must be satisfied in functional safety systems supporting applications with mixed criticality: this session introduces cgroups and namespaces to have an open discussion on how they can contribute to FFI.
This session gives you a overview of Kselftest and KUnit frameworks, how to use them for unit, regression testing.
Kernel Dependability & Assurance Wrapup