20–24 Sept 2021
US/Pacific timezone


Kernel Dependability and Assurance MC

23 Sept 2021, 07:00


Kernel Dependability and Assurance MC

  • Gabriele Paoloni
  • Shuah Khan (The Linux Foundation)


The Kernel Dependability and Assurance Microconference focuses on infrastructure to be able to assure software quality and that the Linux kernel is dependable in applications that require predictability and trust.

Presentation materials

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Gabriele Paoloni (Red Hat), Shuah Khan (The Linux Foundation)
23/09/2021, 07:00

Introduction to the track and welcome speakers and audience.

Gabriele Paoloni (Red Hat), Shuah Khan (The Linux Foundation)
23/09/2021, 10:55

Kernel Dependability & Assurance Wrapup

Building timetable...

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