Sep 20 – 24, 2021
US/Pacific timezone

Attestation and Secret Injection for Confidential VMs & Containers/Pods

Sep 21, 2021, 10:15 AM
Microconference2/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)


LPC Virtual

Confidential Computing MC Confidential Computing MC


Jim Cadden (IBM Research) James Bottomley (IBM Research)


Attestation is an important step in the setup of a confidential enclave in a public cloud environment. Through this process a guest owner can externally validate the software being run in their enclave before any confidential information is exposed. In this talk, we discuss the design and challenges of measuring and validating a guest enclave, and safely injecting guest owner secrets into the enclave. Our discussion will focus on the AMD SEV architectures (SEV, SEV-ES, and SEV-SNP) and how their hardware-enforced attestation and pre-attestation procedures map onto the deployment of guest VMs and confidential containers (i.e., Kata Containers).

By attending this talk, you will gain an understanding of the attestation and measurement features of the AMD SEV architectures, as well as the challenges of doing attestation for confidential VMs and containers/Pods in a public cloud. In addition, we will overview other attestation approaches such as those of Intel TDx, SecureBoot, and other software-based techniques.

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Primary authors

Jim Cadden (IBM Research) James Bottomley (IBM Research)

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