Sep 20 – 24, 2021
US/Pacific timezone

fw_devlink: Remaining issues to resolve and future improvements

Sep 22, 2021, 9:15 AM
Microconference3/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)


LPC Virtual

Android MC Android MC


Saravana Kannan


fw_devlink has been enabled as "on" by default since version 5.13 and ensures a device's probe() is never called before its supplier devices have successfully bound to a driver.

This talk will be focusing on any remaining issues and future improvements. Some of the topics that'll be discussed include:

  • Are there any unresolved issues on specific hardware due to fw_devlink=on?
  • Are there any DT properties that should be parsed by fw_devlink?
  • What debugging improvements are needed for fw_devlink?
  • Plan to use fw_devlink to do topologically sorted probing of devices. Any concerns?
  • Are we ready to do fully asynchronous probing for DT based systems?
  • Anyone wants to add ACPI support?
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Saravana Kannan

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