Sep 20 – 24, 2021
US/Pacific timezone

Generic Kernel Image (GKI) update

Sep 22, 2021, 7:05 AM
Microconference3/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)


LPC Virtual

Android MC Android MC


Todd Kjos (Google)


Shortly after last year's Plumbers Conference the initial version of Generic Kernel Images (GKI) shipped in products based on the 5.4 kernel and Android 11. Devices that shipped with a 5.4 kernel are compatible with GKI. Kernel developers can replace the system image with the publicly available GSI image and replace the boot image with GKI and the device will boot and run Android 11.

In Android 12 devices running the 5.10 kernel, the product kernel is GKI, which means kernel fragmentation is nearly eliminated. Kernel development on Android devices will be much easier and much of the difficulty delivering security patches to devices in the field is removed. With a single core-kernel, and an upstream-first process, the gap between the Android kernel and mainline Linux is drastically reduced.

This session will be a brief discussion on the status of GKI in Android 12 followed by Q&A.

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Primary author

Todd Kjos (Google)

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