Sep 20 – 24, 2021
US/Pacific timezone

Common Print Dialog Backends

Sep 20, 2021, 9:20 AM
Microconference3/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)


LPC Virtual

Open Printing MC Open Printing MC


Till Kamppeter (OpenPrinting / Canonical)


Already some years ago we introduced the concept of the Common Print Dialog Backends (OPenPrinting GitHub: CPDB, CUPS backend) where we separate the print dialog GUI from the support code for the actual print technology (like CUPS, IPP, …) via a D-Bus interface, so that GUI toolkits and the print technology support can be developed and released independently.

This especially allows for better support of the fast-paced changes in the printing technology vs. the long development cycles of the GUI toolkits. Also new print technologies, like cloud print services can be added easily, with the appropriate backend provided in a Snap in the Snap Store.

Now this concept gets important again as the printing architecture is under heavy development with all things IPP, CUPS 2.4.x, 3.x, …

Here we especially discuss about the adoption into common GUI toolkits like GTK and Qt.

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Till Kamppeter (OpenPrinting / Canonical)

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