Update on the Plumbers Covid-19 Situation

We’re still planning to hold Plumbers, but adopting a wait and see attitude to the in-person component. As people have noticed, the global prospect for being able to travel to Halifax in August seems to be getting worse, so we’re posting this to give more transparency to what the Plumbers Conference decision points and options are.

Our first consideration is a go/no-go decision point for the in-person conference. Currently, the date we were planning to put the first batch of tickets on-sale (15 May) represents the ideal date for this because it gives time (another 6 weeks) for more clarity to emerge on the situation, while avoiding people doing early purchases only to be disappointed if the event has to be cancelled at a later date.

Our second consideration is planning now for how we might do a fully on-line version of Plumbers. The primary consideration people should note is that our Internet and AV contracts with the hotel in Halifax don’t give us sufficient bandwidth to do the conference partly in-person and partly on-line because we’d have to do the hosting at the hotel rather than in some high bandwidth cloud location, so our decision will be either fully in-person or fully on-line. Other conferences have already done fully on-line versions, which we’re in the process of evaluating. Over the next few weeks we’ll report back (lwn.net too is doing a helpful series of articles on on-line meeting technologies which will be worth a read).

A final thing people should note is that if we do decide to go for the fully on-line version, our scheduling constraints become less severe (not having a time limited physical location) and we could spread the tracks out rather than try to run a three day, six track event. This would allow us both to lower the bandwidth requirements for the hosting (which should reduce latency and communication issues) as well
as hold the MCs at a time most convenient to the distributed time-zones of all the participants.

LPC 2020 Call for Refereed-Track Proposals

Updated May 11th – Changed dates information.

Submissions close: (TBD – open now)
Speakers notified: (TBD)
Slides due: (TBD)

Note: We are still hoping to hold the conference as scheduled, but we are continually monitoring the pandemic situation. For current Covid-19 updates, please see our website

We are pleased to announce the Call for Refereed-Track Proposals for the 2020 edition of the Linux Plumbers Conference, which will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada on August 25-27 in conjunction with the Kernel Summit and Linux Maintainers Summit, which takes place on August 28th.

Refereed track presentations are 50 minutes in length (which includes time for questions and discussion) and should focus on a specific aspect of the “plumbing” in the Linux system. Examples of Linux plumbing include core kernel subsystems, toolchains, container runtimes, core libraries, windowing systems, management tools, device support, media creation/playback, accelerators, hardware interaction, and so on. The best presentations are not about finished work, but rather problems, proposals, or proof-of-concept solutions that require face-to-face discussions and debate.

As was the case in 2019, and because Plumbers is not co-located with Open Source Summit this year, we are scheduling the refereed-track talks across all three days. This allows attendees to choose between microconferences and refereed-track talks in all time-slots and also provides a conflict-free schedule for the refereed-track talks.

Linux Plumbers Conference Program Committee members will be reviewing all submitted sessions. High-quality submission that cannot be accepted due to the limited number of slots will be forwarded to the Microconference leads for further consideration. We also encourage submitters to consider BoF sessions.

To submit a refereed track talk proposal follow the instructions at this website:

Submissions were due on or before Wednesday May 7, 2020 at 11:59PM Pacific Time however the Call for Refereed-Track Proposals is remaining opened for the time being. Each successful submission gets a free registration, but for only one speaker per presentation.

LPC 2020 Call for Microconference Proposals

Updated May 11th – Changed dates information.

Submissions close: (TBD – open now)
Speakers notified: (TBD)

Note: We are still hoping to hold the conference as scheduled, but we are continually monitoring the pandemic situation. For current Covid-19 updates, please see our website https://www.linuxplumbersconf.org/#covid-19

We are pleased to announce the Call for Microconferences for the 2020 Linux Plumbers Conference, which will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada on August 25-27 in conjunction with Kernel Summit and Linux Maintainers Summit, which takes place on August 28th.

A microconference is a collection of collaborative sessions focused on problems in a particular area of Linux plumbing, which includes the kernel, libraries, utilities, services, UI, and so forth, but can also focus on cross-cutting concerns such as security, scaling, energy efficiency, toolchains, container runtimes, or a particular use case. Good microconferences result in solutions to these problems and concerns, while the best microconferences result in patches that implement those solutions.

For more information on submitting a microconference proposal, visit our CfP page.

The first round of accepted microconferences will be announced soon.

There will also be a refereed track for pure presentations. Call for presentations for that will be coming shortly.

What is a microconference?

What makes Linux Plumbers unique is that it is focused on development, solving problems and bringing about the new features of the future. A microconference is about being productive and solving issues of the day. It is not where one discusses what has already been done, or showing off the latest shiny new product or feature. Although it is OK to have a topic on ideas of what to do with a shiny new product or feature, it should not be about the product or feature itself. A microconference is to get people together face to face to discuss issues that are difficult to solve via email and chat alone.

Topics of a microconference

As stated above, an MC topic is about the future, not the past. It should be something that helps provide a solution for a question. How do we solve foo? I want to implement bar, but there’s these issues. How do we get around them? I have feature X but want to use it for Y, is it feasible?

Please avoid presentations as they tend to take time away from discussions. Presentations may be used to help bring the audience up to speed on what is about to be discussed. Keep it focused on the necessary details to allow people to participate and limit it to 5 to 7 minutes. Slides should only be used to complement the discussion and enable wider participation.

Successful microconference proposals

When proposing a microconference, it is important to state what is expected to be accomplished for the microconfence. Remember, the best microconferences are those that solve problems. The abstract of the proposal should describe what the topic is, and then list the various problems that could be discussed at the microconference. Note, what is listed may not be what is actually discussed, but gives the Plumbers planning committee an idea of how productive the microconference will be.

No microconference can be successful if the necessary people who are responsible for the issues are not present. The proposal should list the key contributors who will make sure the results of the discussions are most likely to be implemented. The best proposals will also state that those key contributors have agreed to attend.

Plumbers and Covid-19

This is our current Covid-19 Statement:

Plumbers is currently taking place as planned; however, the LPC program committee is actively monitoring the situation with regard to Covid-19.  The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently making no projections for the situation at that date, but there is hope that the spread of the disease will slow or stop entirely during the northern-hemisphere summer.  Given the uncertainty, we are currently adopting a wait-and-see approach.  Rest assured that we’ll be following precautions advised by both the WHO and the local health authorities in Halifax should they still be in effect by the time the conference starts.

We’ll post updates to the plumbers website as they become available.

Videos for microconferences

The videos for all the talks in microconferences at the 2019 edition of Linux Plumbers are now linked to the schedule. Clicking on the link titled “video” will take you to the right spot in the microconference video. Hopefully, watching all of these talks will get you excited for the 2020 edition which we are busy preparing! Watch out for our call for microconferences and for our refereed track both of which are to be released soon. So now’s the time to start thinking about all the exciting problems you want to discuss and solve.

Welcome to the 2020 Linux Plumbers Conference blog

Planning for the 2020 Linux Plumbers Conference is well underway. The planning committee will be posting various informational blurbs here, including information on hotels, microconference acceptance, evening events, scheduling, and so on. Next up will be a “call for microconferences” that should appear soon.

LPC this year will be held at the Marriott Harbourfront Hotel in Halifax, Nova Scotia from 25-27 August.

Happy New Year!

The new year is in full swing and so are the preparations for the Linux Plumbers Conference in 2020! Updates coming soon! Until then you can watch some videos.

Linux Plumbers Conference 2019 videos are now available

Following up on our previous post, and as many of you have already noticed, the LPC 2019 videos have now been uploaded to our YouTube channel.

Over the coming days the LPC committee will be updating the 2019 site to incorporate links to the videos. At the same time, we will be getting ready to launch the 2020 site as well.

For now, you can access the videos in the following playlists:

You can access and promote the Linux Plumbers Conference YouTube channel here.

The videos have been uploaded to YouTube under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY).

Summaries of Some Microconferences Released

We know everyone is still waiting for the videos. Unfortunately, we’re
having a small production glitch, so until we can release them, several
MC leads have now sent us written summaries of their MCs which you can
see here:

If you’d like to see a summary of another MC, please bug the MC lead to
send us one (or send us your writeup).

LPC waiting list closed; just a few days until the conference

The waiting list for this year’s Linux Plumbers Conference is now closed. All of the spots available have been allocated, so anyone who is not registered at this point will have to wait for next year. There will be no on-site registration. We regret that we could not accommodate everyone. The good news is that all of the microconferences, refereed talks, Kernel summit track, and Networking track will be recorded on video and made available as soon as possible after the conference. Anyone who could not make it to Lisbon this year will at least be able to catch up with what went on. Hopefully those who wanted to come will make it to a future LPC.

For those who are attending, we are just a few days away; you should have received an email with more details. Beyond that, the detailed schedule is available. There are also some tips on using the metro to get to the venue. As always, please send any questions or comments to “contact@linuxplumbersconf.org”.

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