BBB Training Session for Virtual Presenters and Attendees

We’ll be holding a BBB Training session on Thursday (8 November) at:

7am PST, 10am EST, 3pm UTC, 4pm CET, 8:30pm IST, 12am Friday JST

This will be recorded so that you can watch it later.

What is BBB? It’s an open source video software, similar to Zoom and Google Meets, but is much better for interactions between remote attendees and a live audience.

There are several features that BBB provides, and this training session will go over the common ones that you will likely use during your presentation.

This session is highly recommend for those that are presenting remotely, and may also be useful for those that are only attending remotely, to get a feel for the platform.  In person attendees are welcome too, but we’ll have shepherds in the conference rooms on the day to help you out.

To join, you will need to log in to:

After logging in, to join the meeting, click the Hackroom entry in the leftnav then select the join button of Hackroom 1.

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