Monthly Archives: November 2023

Linux Plumbers Conference in Austria Next year

The current plan is to be co-located in Vienna with OSS-EU.  We don’t have exact dates to give (still finding conference space) but it will be three days on the week of 16 September.

Live Stream URLs for Plumbers are now on the Website

As a reminder, The live stream of each main track of Linux Plumbers Conference will be available in real time on Youtube.  The Links are now live in the timetable.  To view, go to the Schedule Overview and click on the paperclip on the upper right of the track you want to watch to bring […]

Playback of BBB Virtual Training session available

The URL for the training session we did on Thursday morning is: Note that the URL skips to time index 37:55 which is where the training actually begins (the hackroom got started early).

BBB Training Session for Virtual Presenters and Attendees

We’ll be holding a BBB Training session on Thursday (8 November) at: 7am PST, 10am EST, 3pm UTC, 4pm CET, 8:30pm IST, 12am Friday JST This will be recorded so that you can watch it later. What is BBB? It’s an open source video software, similar to Zoom and Google Meets, but is much better […]

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