Aug 24 – 28, 2020
US/Pacific timezone


Containers and Checkpoint/Restore MC

Aug 24, 2020, 7:00 AM


The Containers and Checkpoint/Restore MC at Linux Plumbers is the opportunity for runtime maintainers, kernel developers and others involved with containers on Linux to talk about what they are up to and agree on the next major changes to kernel and userspace.

Common discussions topic tend to be improvement to the user namespace, opening up more kernel functionalities to unprivileged users, new ways to dump and restore kernel state, Linux Security Modules and syscall handling.

Presentation materials

Stéphane Graber (Canonical Ltd.)
8/24/20, 7:00 AM

Opening session

Stéphane Graber (Canonical Ltd.), Christian Brauner (Canonical)
8/24/20, 9:30 AM

We would like to discuss a proposal for more advanced in-kernel idmap isolation.

Building timetable...

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