24–28 Aug 2020
US/Pacific timezone

Unifying Test Reporting with KernelCI

26 Aug 2020, 10:00
Microconference1/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)


LPC Virtual

Testing and Fuzzing MC Testing and Fuzzing MC


Nikolai Kondrashov (Red Hat) Guillaume Tucker (Collabora)


A year ago, the Linux Foundation KernelCI project embarked on a new effort: unifying reporting from all upstream kernel testing systems.

Our aim is to develop a new generic interface that can be used by any test system to submit results into a common database. This allows sending a single report email for each kernel revision being tested, backed by a single web dashboard collating the results, no matter how many or which systems contributed.

In the same way that the Linux kernel has a great number of contributors and is being used in a great number of ways, the long-term goal of KernelCI is to match that scale with an open testing philosophy.

We’ve been developing a report schema, a submission protocol, and a prototype implementation, focusing on making it easy to both start submitting results, and to accommodate requirements from new participants.

Come and see what we’ve achieved so far, what the schema is like, how you can start reporting, subscribe to results, and play a part in further development.

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