Aug 24 – 28, 2020
US/Pacific timezone

Linux Kernel dependability - Proactive & reactive thinking

Aug 25, 2020, 10:00 AM
Microconference2/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)


LPC Virtual

Kernel Dependability & Assurance MC Kernel Dependability & Assurance MC


Shuah Khan (The Linux Foundation)


Let's discuss proactive and reactive approaches to Linux Kernel dependability. We all care about keeping our data safe and systems secure. We counter security attacks using fuzzers and other test tools to identify vulnerabilities and hardening the code base.

How can we ensure we aren't introducing new problems?

Regression testing and continuous fuzzing helps in finding regressions and new problems as code evolves and new features get added. All of these efforts are focused on finding and fixing existing problems.

Could we do more in understanding common design and coding mistakes to avoid and/or minimize introducing vulnerabilities. Could we be proactive in detecting and mitigating common weaknesses.

In this talk, we will discuss available detection and mitigation methods in the Linux Kernel to counter important Common Weaknesses Enumeration Categories such as Memory Buffer Errors and go over gaps if any.

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Primary author

Shuah Khan (The Linux Foundation)

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