24–28 Aug 2020
US/Pacific timezone

Checkpoint-restoring containers with Docker inside

24 Aug 2020, 08:40
Microconference1/Virtual-Room (LPC Virtual)


LPC Virtual

Containers and Checkpoint/Restore MC Containers and Checkpoint/Restore MC


Alexander Mikhalitsyn (Virtuozzo) Pavel Tikhomirov


CRIU is the most advanced Checkpoint-Restore project on Linux.

But even with CRIU at the moment it is not feasible to checkpoint - restore
all possible topologies of processes and namespaces. Even relatively simple
case of a process tree with two UTS/IPC namespaces is not supported by CRIU,
not mentioning more complex cases like a process tree with more than one PID

In OpenVZ and Virtuozzo versions of CRIU these problems were partially solved
with introduction of the support for nested PID namespaces, several IPC/UTS
namespaces (with respect to USER namespaces) and overlayfs mounts.

These improvements allow us to get basic support of checkpoint-restoring OpenVZ
system containers with Docker containers inside.

We have already prepared several upstream kernel patches [4].

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