Sep 9 – 11, 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone


Kernel Summit Track

Sep 9, 2019, 10:00 AM
Floriana/room-III (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



This year, the Maintainer's and Kernel Summit will be at the Corinthia Hotel in Lisbon, Portugal, September 9th -- 12th. The Kernel Summit will be held as a track during the Linux Plumbers Conference September 9th -- 11th. The Maintainer's Summit will be held afterwards, on September 12th. As in previous years, the "Maintainer's Summit" is an invite-only, half-day event, where the primary focus will be process issues around Linux Kernel Development.

The "Kernel Summit" is organized as a track which is run in parallel with the other tracks at the Linux Plumber's Conference (LPC), and is open to all registered attendees of LPC. The goal of the Kernel Summit track will be to provide a forum to discuss specific technical issues that would be easier to resolve in person than over e-mail.

We will reserving roughly some Kernel Summit slots for last-minute discussions that will be scheduled during the week, in an "unconference style". This allows ideas that come up in hallway discussions, and in the LPC miniconferences, to be given
scheduled, dedicated times for discussion.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Christian Brauner
9/9/19, 3:45 PM
9/9/19, 6:30 PM
Brendan Higgins (Google LLC)
9/11/19, 10:45 AM

KUnit is a new lightweight unit testing and mocking framework for the Linux kernel. Unlike Autotest and kselftest, KUnit is a true unit testing framework; it does not require installing the kernel on a test machine or in a VM (however, KUnit still allows you to run tests on test machines or in VMs if you want) and does not require...

Shuah Kahn
9/11/19, 12:45 PM
Building timetable...
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