9–11 Sept 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Cgroup v1/v2 Abstraction Layer

10 Sept 2019, 19:10
Jade/room-I&II (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Tom Hromatka



We have cgroup v1 users who want to switch to cgroup v2, but there
currently isn't an upstream migration story for them. (Previous
LPC talks have focused on the issues of migrating from v1 to v2, but
no substantial upstream solution has come to fruition.)

The goal of this talk is to discuss the cgroup v1 to v2 migration
path and gauge community interest in a cgroup v1/v2 abstraction

Problem Statement

Several Oracle products have very, very long product lifetimes and
are designed to run on a wide range of Linux kernels and systemd
versions. These products are encountering difficulties as cgroups
continues to grow and change. Older kernels only support v1, but v2
is the future in newer kernels with v1 effectively in maintenance mode.
Newer versions of systemd have started to abstract the cgroup interface,
but upgrading older systems to newer versions of systemd is often not
feasible. Ultimately, long-lifespan products are spending an increasing
and inordinate amount of time and effort managing their cgroup interfaces.

There is interest within Oracle to create a cgroup abstraction layer
that will allow long-lived products to utilize the most advanced
cgroups features available on every supported system. Ideally these
products will be able to rely upon a library to abstract away the
low-level cgroup implementation details on that system.


Anyone interested in cgroups

Why Should the Audience Attend and/or Care

  • We would like to develop a cgroups abstraction layer in the next year
    or so. We would love to collaborate with others to build and design a
    solution that can help the entire community

  • Do other people/companies have interest in an abstraction layer? We
    want to hear other use cases and needs to better serve as many people
    as possible

  • Is there already something out there that we can utilize and build on?

  • Given the wide array of users and use cases, the library will likely
    need to have bindings for today's most popular languages - python, go
    java, etc.

  • There are a multitude of API possibilities. What level(s) of abstraction
    are of interest to the community? e.g.
    GiveMeCpus(cgname=foo, cpu_count=2, exclusive=True, numa_aligned=True, ...)
    CgroupCreate(cgname=foo, secure_from_sidechannel=True, ...)

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