9–11 Sept 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Non-UEFI-aware measured boot using coreboot, GRUB and TPM2.0

11 Sept 2019, 17:40
Jade/room-I&II (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Piotr Król (3mdeb Embedded Systems Consulting)Mr Żygowski Michał (3mdeb Embedded Systems Consulting)


The main issue in using TPM2.0 in such measured boot solution is that at the
moment of writing this abstract neither Trusted Grub, nor Linux kernel has
TPM2.0 implementation. There are of course implementations based on UEFI
systems, where bootloaders can utilize TCG EFI protocol to handle TPM. However
other non-UEFI based solutions suffer from lack of TPM2.0 drivers in the
bootloaders. Taking, for example, coreboot with vboot and measured mode the chain
of trust ends on at verifying and measuring the MBR code. This limits the
trusted boot technology for firmware solutions that do not base on UEFI

As TPM2.0 is already supported in coreboot, the next stage would be enabling it
in GRUB2. As a matter of fact that TPM1.2 has already been enabled in its
derivative, Trusted GRUB2.0, but we consider it much unsatisfying.

Chain of trust:

coreboot + payload -(chain cuts here)-> Trusted GRUB -> kernel

Establishing a chain of trust will make SRTM (Static Root of Trust for
Measurement) based on coreboot fully featured. As security solutions are used
more and more widely it will help coreboot to stay up to date with all the
competitor's proprietary solutions.

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Primary authors

Piotr Król (3mdeb Embedded Systems Consulting) Mr Żygowski Michał (3mdeb Embedded Systems Consulting)

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