Sep 9 – 11, 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

TPM 2.0 Linux sysfs interface

Sep 11, 2019, 6:05 PM
Jade/room-I&II (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Mr Król Piotr (3mdeb Embedded Systems Consulting)Mr Żygowski Michał (3mdeb Embedded Systems Consulting)


At the time of writing this paper the Linux kernel supported TPM 1.2
functionalities in sysfs. To these functionalities we include:

$ ls /sys/devices/pnp0/00:04/tpm/tpm0
active  caps  device     enabled  pcrs   ppi    subsystem         timeouts
cancel  dev   durations  owned    power  pubek  temp_deactivated  uevent
$ ls /sys/devices/pnp0/00:04/tpm/tpm0/ppi
request  response  tcg_operations  transition_action  version  vs_operations

We would expect the same or similar level of support for TPM 2.0. At least
kernel should be able to request localities, change PCR banks, list PCRs, extend
PCRs, clear TPM, take ownership. For now, the TPM2.0 is unusable in any way.
Despite enabling all TPM options in the kernel configuration. There is a TPM 2.0
software stack, however, it has many dependencies and has to be compiled by
anyone who would like to utilize TPM2.0 (packages in package managers was
broken for certain distros at the time of writing the document).

Additionally, Linux has Integrity Measurement Architecture which utilizes TPM to
attest the rootfs whether it has been maliciously modified. However, the only
supported TPM is the one in version 1.2. Enabling it is as simple as adding a
single kernel cmdline parameter: ima_tcb and defining a policy. However, it
will only work with TPM 1.2 tools like tpm-tools, trousers.

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Primary authors

Mr Król Piotr (3mdeb Embedded Systems Consulting) Mr Żygowski Michał (3mdeb Embedded Systems Consulting)

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