9–11 Sept 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

klp-convert and livepatch relocations

11 Sept 2019, 17:30
Opala/room-I&II (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Joe Lawrence (Red Hat)


The kernel already supports special livepatch relocation types enable several interesting livepatch modules use cases:

  • Access to symbols outside of normal C scoping rules
  • Deferred access to yet-to-be loaded kernel module symbols
  • Support for architecture-specific special sections like altinstructions and paravirt instructions

Although the kernel supports loading livepatch modules with these features, there remains no easy in-kernel means of creating such relocation types. The klp-convert patchset adds this functionality to the kernel build system, reducing dependencies on out-of-tree livepatch build mechanisms.

Talk about the current state of the klp-convert patchset: what has been implemented, what is being worked on, and what issues are still outstanding.

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Joe Lawrence (Red Hat)

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