9–11 Sept 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Scheduler domains and cache bandwidth

9 Sept 2019, 17:45
Esmerelda/room-I&II (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Valentin Schneider (Arm Ltd)


The Linux Kernel scheduler represents a system's topology by the means of
scheduler domains. In the common case, these domains map to the cache topology
of the system.

The Cavium ThunderX is an ARMv8-A 2-node NUMA system, each node containing
48 CPUs (no hyperthreading). Each CPU has its own L1 cache, and CPUs within
the same node will share a same L2 cache.

Running some memory-intensive tasks on this system shows that, within a
given NUMA node, there are "socklets" of CPUs. Executing those tasks
(which involve the L2 cache) on CPUs of the same "socklet" leads to a reduction
of per-task memory bandwidth.
On the other hand, running those same tasks on CPUs of different "socklets"
(but still within the same node) does not lead to such a memory bandwidth

While not truly equivalent to sub-NUMA clustering, such a system could benefit
from a more fragmented scheduler domain representation, i.e. grouping these
"socklets" in different domains.

This talk will be an opportunity to discuss ways for the scheduler to leverage
this topology characteristic and potentially change the way scheduler domains
are built.

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