Sep 9 – 11, 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

IoT from the point of view of view of a generic and enterprise distribution

Sep 9, 2019, 5:00 PM
Jade/room-I&II (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Peter Robinson (Red Hat)


Having been focused on IoT in Fedora for Red Hat for 3 years and the wider Arm and embedded ecosystem for a lot longer and dealing with customers that are looking to prototype large scale IoT deployments for a range of use cases while using a distribution similar to what they use in their data centre but with IoT use cases, increased security I have a bunch of war wounds and ideas about the things that work, the things that need work and the things that don't work.

The core pieces are there but there's bits missing or are incomplete, covering gpio and sensors, bluetooth and various wireless technologies through to security such as secure boot, TPM2s and IMA what are the technologies that users and customers are asking for and how can they be improved in Linux to make it easier for generic but IoT focused distros that need to address wide use cases in as generic a means as possible?

This talk will cover the technologies being used and what makes it hard for end users to consume them in order to aide discussion. How we can take things that in some cases are developed on a single device running a single variant of Linux and how we can improve the overall ecosystem on Linux.

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