Sep 9 – 11, 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Linaro Kernel Functional Testing (LKFT): functional testing of android common kernels

Sep 10, 2019, 5:30 PM
Opala/room-I&II (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Tom Gall (Linaro)


As part of the Android Microconference:

Linux Kernel Functional Test is a system to detect kernel regressions across the range of mainline, LTS and Android Common kernels. It is able to run a variety of operating systems from Linux to Android across an array of systems under test. You're probably thinking in terms of standard test suites like CTS, VTS, LTP, kselftest and so on and you're be right. We'll talk about how things have been going over the past year and some of the challenges face when testing at scale.

The 'F' in LKFT is for Functional, and during this interactive session we will explore how to continue to make strides beyond pass/fail tests. Kernel regressions aren't just an option that once worked now is failing. They also include degradation in performance. The session will explore the recent add to LKFT involving the Energy Aware Scheduler (EAS) with boards that have power probes on hardware. Last we'll talk about audio and some things we've been exploring with testing the audio stack on Android.

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Primary author

Tom Gall (Linaro)

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