9–11 Sept 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Implementing NTB controller using PCIe endpoint

9 Sept 2019, 18:05
Opala/room-I&II (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Mr Kishon Vijay Abraham I


A PCI-Express non-transparent bridge (NTB) is a point-to-point PCIe bus
connecting 2 host systems. NTB functionality can be achieved in a platform
having 2 endpoint instances. Here each of the endpoint instance will be
connected to an independent host and the hosts can communicate with each other
using endpoint as a bridge. The endpoint framework and the "new" NTB EP
function driver should configure the endpoint instances in such a way that the
transactions from one endpoint is routed to the other endpoint instance. The
host will see the connected endpoint as an NTB port and the existing NTB tools
(ntb_pingpong, ntb_perf) in Linux kernel could be used.

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