9–11 Sept 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Status of Dual Stage SMMUv3 integration

9 Sept 2019, 15:30
Opala/room-I&II (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Eric Auger (Red Hat)


Since August 2018 I have been working on SMMUv3 nested stage integration
at IOMMU/VFIO levels, to allow virtual SMMUv3/VFIO integration.

This shares some APIs with the Intel and ARM SVA series (cache invalidation,
fault reporting) but also introduces some specific ones to pass information
about guest stage 1 configuration and MSI bindings.

In this session I would like to discuss the upstream status and get a chance
to clarify open points. This is also an opportunity to synchronize about the VFIO fault reporting requirements for recoverable errors.

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Primary author

Eric Auger (Red Hat)

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