9–11 Sept 2019
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Optional or reduced PCI BARs

9 Sept 2019, 17:05
Opala/room-I&II (Corinthia Hotel Lisbon)


Corinthia Hotel Lisbon



Jonathan Derrick


Modern PCI graphics devices may contain several gigabytes of memory mapped in its BAR. This trend is continuing into storage with NVMe devices containing large Controller Memory Buffers and Persistent Memory Regions.

Some PCI hierarchies are resource constrained and cannot fit as many devices as desired. In NVMe's case, it's preferable to enumerate and attach all devices rather than use the entire memory window for one or two devices with large, optional BARs.

Current PCI core architecture will prevent a PCI device from being enabled if any of the BARs are unset. This proposal is about a way to hint at the PCI layer that some BARs are optional and could be omitted or reduced (by limiting it at the bridge window) in order to keep such devices enabled.

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