Nov 20 – 22, 2018
America/Vancouver timezone

Call for Proposals

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
    No deadline

LPC 2018 Call for Microconf and Refereed-Track Proposals

Submissions close: September 2, 2018
Speakers notified: September 23, 2018
Slides due: November 9, 2018

Refereed-track proposals

We are pleased to announce the Call for Refereed-Track Proposals for the 2018 edition of the Linux Plumbers Conference, which will held be in Vancouver, BC, Canada on November 13-15 in conjunction with the Linux Kernel Summit.

Refereed track presentations are 50 minutes in length (which includes time for questions and discussion) and should focus on a specific aspect of the "plumbing" in the Linux system. Examples of Linux plumbing include core kernel subsystems, core libraries, windowing systems, management tools, device support, container runtimes, media creation/playback, and so on. The best presentations are not about finished work, but rather problems, proposals, or proof-of-concept solutions that require face-to-face discussions and debate.

Given that Plumbers is not colocated with the Open Source Summit this year, we are spreading the refereed-track talks over all three days. This provides a change of pace and also provides a conflict-free schedule for the refereed-track talks. (Yes, this does result in more conflicts between the refereed-track talks and the Microconferences, but we never claimed that the world was perfect.)

Linux Plumbers Conference Program Committee members will be reviewing all submitted sessions. High-quality submisssion that cannot be accepted due to the limited number of slots will be forwarded to the Microconference leads for further consideration. We also encourage submitters to consider BoF sessions and the unconference.

Microconference proposals

We are pleased to announce the Call for Microconferences for the 2018 edition of the Linux Plumbers Conference, which will be held in Vancouver BC, Canada on November 13-15 in conjunction with the Linux Kernel Summit.

A microconference is a collection of collaborative sessions focused on problems in a particular area of the Linux plumbing, which includes the kernel, libraries, utilities, UI, and so forth, but can also focus on cross-cutting concerns such as security, scaling, energy efficiency, or a particular use case. Good microconferences result in solutions to these problems and concerns, while the best microconferences result in patches that implement those solutions.

The call for proposals is open
You can submit a proposal for reviewing.