13–15 Nov 2018
America/Vancouver timezone

Workqueues and CPU Hotplug

14 Nov 2018, 11:30
Pavillion/Ballroom-C (Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center)


Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center



Boqun Feng


Flexible workqueue: Currently we have two pool setting-up for workqueue: 1) per-cpu workqueue pool and 2) unbound workqueue pool, the former require the users of workqueues to have some knowledge of cpu online state, as shown in:


While the latter (unbound workqueue) only has one pool per-NUMA, and that may hurt the scalability if we want to run multiple tasks in parallel inside a NUMA node.

Therefore, that is a clear requirement for having a setting-up for workqueue to provide flexible level of parallelism (i.e. could run as many tasks as possible while save users from worrying about race with cpu hotplug).

We'd like to have a session to talk about requirement and possible solution.

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