Nov 13 – 15, 2018
America/Vancouver timezone

XDP Acceleration Using NIC Metadata, Continued

Nov 13, 2018, 4:40 PM
Junior/Ballroom-C (Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center)


Sheraton Vancouver Wall Center



P. J. Waskiewicz (Intel) Neerav Parikh (Intel)


This talk is a continuation of the initial XDP HW-based hints work presented at NetDev 2.1 in Seoul, South Korea.

It will start with focus on showcasing new prototypes to allow an XDP program to request required HW-generated metadata hints from a NIC. The talk will show how the hints are generated by the NIC and what are the performance characteristics for various XDP applications. We also want to demonstrate how such a metadata can be helpful for applications that use AF_XDP sockets.

The talk with then discuss planned upstreaming thoughts, and look to generate more discussion around implementation details, programming flows, etc., with the larger audience from the community.

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