13–15 Nov 2023
America/New_York timezone


Linux Kernel Debugging MC

14 Nov 2023, 09:30


When things go wrong, we need to debug the kernel. There are about as many ways to do that as you can imagine: printk, kdb/kgdb over serial, tracing, attaching debuggers to /proc/kcore, and post-mortem debugging using core dumps, just to name a few. Frequently, tools and approaches used by userspace debuggers aren't enough for the requirements of the kernel, so special tools are created to handle them: crash, drgn, makedumpfile, libkdumpfile, and many, many others.

Presentation materials

Omar Sandoval
14/11/2023, 10:00

drgn is currently read-only: it can attach to the running kernel and read memory, but it can't modify memory or modify the flow of execution. These read-write features would clearly be useful for development (for example, in a virtual machine or a lab). If done safely, they could also be useful for modifying the kernel in production. There are many potential...

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