13–15 Nov 2023
America/New_York timezone

Zephyr Retro-and-Prospective: Project Growth, Long Term Support, and Linux Interoperability

15 Nov 2023, 15:50
"James River Salon A" (Omni Richmond Hotel)

"James River Salon A"

Omni Richmond Hotel

Internet of Things MC Internet of Thing5 MC


Chris Friedt (Meta)


Zephyr has been a part of the Linux Plumbers IoT Microconference since the first year in 2019. Needless to say, much has happened in that short period of time.

Increasingly more devices are shipping with Zephyr. More companies are becoming members. More devices and are compatible out-of-the-box with Linux (and macOS, and Windows). The Internet of Things is made of devices both big and small - from Edge devices to The Cloud. Zephyr usage has skyrocketed from personal BLE monitors, to Industrial IoT, all the way to the some of the highest-throughput datacenter accelerators that power The Internet.

While we love to see Linux and Zephyr working in concert, industry collaboration and standards have enabled interoperability with all major operating systems and several Real-Time Operating Systems.

This will be a Lightning-Talk style recap outlining the rapid growth that we have seen, major features added, standards supported, and problems solved, in large part due to you!

We'll touch on what went great (and not-so-great), provide pointers for developers looking to transition from Zephyr LTSv2 to the up-coming LTSv3, and offer a glimpse into what is on the horizon for the Linux and Zephyr IoT Ecosystem.

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