13–15 Nov 2023
America/New_York timezone

Callsite Trampolines

13 Nov 2023, 17:10
"Magnolia" (Omni Richmond Hotel)


Omni Richmond Hotel

Toolchains Track Toolchains


Mr Aleksei Vetrov Steven Rostedt Suren Baghdasaryan


Memory allocation profiling discussion at LSF/MM/BPF conference this year (https://lwn.net/Articles/932402/) revealed a need for compiler support to instrument call sites of specific functions (in this case memory allocations) in a way that stores additional data for each call site. The details of this idea are described in Steven Rostedt's presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zQnuMbEfcq9lHUXgJRUZsd1McRAkr3Xq6Wk693YA0To/
We would like to discuss this feature with compiler community.

Primary authors

Presentation materials