13–15 Nov 2023
America/New_York timezone

VSCode for kernel development

13 Nov 2023, 16:20
"Magnolia" (Omni Richmond Hotel)


Omni Richmond Hotel

Toolchains Track Toolchains


Florent Revest (Google LLC)


How far can we take the kernel development experience in a reference IDE setup ? This talk will present a setup I've built http://github.com/FlorentRevest/linux-kernel-vscode
It integrates features such as:
- A series manager https://github.com/FlorentRevest/vscode-git-send-email
- A mailing list explorer https://github.com/FlorentRevest/vscode-patchwork
- Notebooks for syzkaller bugs reproduction, ftrace records analysis...
- A clangd based cross-reference setup
- Yet Another QEMU Wrapper that integrates with the IDE debugger
And discuss how we could improve it further

Primary author

Florent Revest (Google LLC)

Presentation materials