13–15 Nov 2023
America/New_York timezone

User namespaces with host-isolated UIDs/GIDs

13 Nov 2023, 15:00
"James River Salon B" (Omni Richmond Hotel)

"James River Salon B"

Omni Richmond Hotel

Containers and checkpoint/restore MC Containers and checkpoint/restore MC


Aleksandr Mikhalitsyn Stéphane Graber (Canonical Ltd.)


This talk aims to move forward the discussion about an extension of user namespaces that allows the usage of host-isolated (non-mapped) UID/GID. This topic was raised by Stéphane Graber and Christian Brauner originally in [1] and [2]. Stéphane and I would like to share some new results and discuss difficulties with the Linux kernel community.

Some highlights:
- extension of kuid_t/kgid_t to 64-bit wide
- VFS permission model for unmapped UID/GIDs

[1] Isolated dynamic user namespaces https://lpc.events/event/7/contributions/836/
[2] Simplified user namespace allocation https://lpc.events/event/11/contributions/982/

Primary authors

Presentation materials