13–15 Nov 2023
America/New_York timezone

Simplify Livepatch Callbacks, Shadow Variables, and States handling

15 Nov 2023, 11:30
"James River Salon B" (Omni Richmond Hotel)

"James River Salon B"

Omni Richmond Hotel

Live Patching MC Live Patching MC


Petr Mladek (SUSE)


Livepatches allow fixing critical security or functional bugs without reboot. They are useful when an downtime is expensive.

The basic livepatch feature functionality is to redirect problematic functions to fixed or improved variants. In addition, there are two features helping with more problematic situations:

  • pre_patch(), post_patch(), pre_unpatch(), post_unpatch() callbacks might be called. For example, they allow to enable some functionality at the end of the transition when the entire system is using the new implementation. [1]

  • Shadow variables allow to add new items into structures. [2]

Many fixes might be accumulated before the system gets rebooted. They might be added by separate livepatches or the existing fixes might be replaced by a cumulative livepatch including the old and new fixes.

The cumulative livepatches help with keeping the kernel in a well known state. All the changes are done by a single livepatch. It is easy especially when the livepatch modifies only the implementation of the patched functions.

The situation gets more complicated when callbacks and/or shadow variables are used. The new cumulative livepatch should not do some actions when they were already done by the previous livepatch. On the other side, it should revert some actions or free shadow variables when they are no longer supported by the new livepatch.

The problems with callbacks and shadow variables were supposed to be solved by livepatch states [3]. The API allows to check when the previous patch already had the state and behave accordingly. The states are versioned which allows to check if the new livepatch is compatible with the current one. The new livepatch could be installed only when it supports all the existing states.

The practice shows that all the pieces do not play well together:

  • Shadow variables and states are associated with the patch.
  • Callbacks are associated with livepatched objects. They are called when the livepatch or the livepatched module gets loaded or removed.
  • Only callbacks from the new livepatch are called when it is replacing an older one which might prevent downgrades.
  • The state API is hard to use.

But they should be connected. The callbacks are often used together with the shadow variables, for example:

  • post_patch() callback might be need to enable using the shadow variable after the entire system is ready to handle them.
  • pre_unpatch() callback might be needed to disable using the shadow variable.
  • post_unpatch() callback might be needed to free the no longer used shadow variables.

The shadow variables have a lifetime [4]. They are introduced by one livepatch. They might be still used by newer patches. They need to get removed when the livepatch gets disabled or when they are no longer needed by a newer livepatch.

In fact, any changes done by the callbacks have a lifetime. It means that any state has a lifetime.

It is time to connect all the pieces a better way:

  1. Connect callbacks and shadow variables with states.
  2. Define all three pieces either per-patch or per-object.
  3. Call the callbacks when the state is introduced and removed.


  • Move callbacks to struct klp_state
  • Rename callbacks to setup(), enable(), disable(), remove()
    and call them when the state is introduced and removed.
  • Add @is_shadow flag to connect the state with a shadow
    variable with the same @id
  • Add @shadow_dtor() callback to struct state and use it for
    garbage collection of obsolete shadow variables.
  • Add @block_disable flag to prevent disabling or downgrading the
    livepatch when the state can't be disabled.


  • All pieces play well together.
  • Naturally support lifetime of changes done by callbacks and shadow variables.
  • disable() and remove() callbacks might be called from the patch which supported the state. It allows downgrade to a livepatch which was not aware of the state.
  • Obsoleting and disabling states is handled the same way.


  • API changes are not backward compatible.
  • Callback might be called only when the livepatch gets loaded
    when the state stay associated with the livepatch.
  • More complexity when states get associated with livepatched object (modules).
  • Callbacks are not called when the new livepatch support the same state. More callbacks might be needed when a transition is needed.
    Solvable by passing data via shadow variables?


[1] https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/1507921723-1996-1-git-send-email-joe.lawrence@redhat.com/
[2] https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/1504211861-19899-1-git-send-email-joe.lawrence@redhat.com/
[3] https://lore.kernel.org/all/20191030154313.13263-3-pmladek@suse.com/T/#mf86ded54e03bf2a80a48d66040c381c9af219d89
[4] https://lore.kernel.org/all/20221026194122.11761-1-mpdesouza@suse.com/

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