13–15 Nov 2023
America/New_York timezone

TSCH@Zephyr: IEEE 802.15.4 SubG IIoT in the Making

15 Nov 2023, 15:10
"James River Salon A" (Omni Richmond Hotel)

"James River Salon A"

Omni Richmond Hotel

Internet of Things MC Internet of Thing5 MC


Chris Friedt (Meta)


Zephyr's native IEEE 802.15.4 L2 is a hidden treasure: It supports a much larger variety of SoCs, vendors and PHYs than its more popular OpenThread counterpart. Native L2 not only runs the common 2.4G O-QPSK modulation but also has rich SubG support on all regional bands, from legacy BPSK all the way to SUN O-QPSK, FSK and OFDM and even initial support for HRP UWB. The latter is increasingly hot as mobile manufacturers converge around 802.15.4z/FiRa for precision UWB indoor localization. When I realized this huge potential I immediately wanted to leverage it for industrial use cases. That's when the TSCH@Zephyr project was born in late 2022.

TSCH is IETF/IEEE's open contender to the proprietary WirelessHART standard (and to some extent to ISA 100.11a): a reliable and available wireless (RAW), low-power, deterministic real time protocol, relevant to wireless industrial automation, TSN and distributed battery-driven IIoT sensor networks.

This BoF presents the current state of affairs wrt TSCH, SubG and distributed clocks @ Zephyr. We'll run through solved and unsolved challenges on the way to support a precision TDMA protocol on Zephyr's TI CC13/26xx driver, look at related driver API changes and at some of the underpinning conceptual work re precision distributed clocks. The latter are a cornerstone of an embedded RTOS that wants to provide re-usable primitives for all kinds of precision timing applications like ranging, PTP, 15.4 superframes/DSME/LE, TSN/DetNet, industrial ethernet/SERCOS/Profibus/... or the upcoming 5G/6G RAW extensions.

Primary author

Florian Grandel (Zephyr Project)

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